Monday, October 1, 2018

Week 33: Elder Wright the Librarian AND Questions and Answers for all!! - September 29, 2018

I was able to steal this picture from the mission's facebook page. The young elders did a service project replacing mulch in a local park. You can barely see Elder Wright on the front row behind another missionary!

Hello to all of you! So, as you remember, my mission recently had transfers, and I was not exempt from this. I did get a new companion and a new apartment, but the biggest change I have to tell you all about is that I'm not in Data Services anymore. I'm now the district leader of Library Services! Now, just like every other time I changed zones, you're probably wondering what that means. Well, if you were to read the title of this email, you would discover that it basically means that I'm a librarian. I get to put the books away, make sure all the books and films/fiche are put in the right spot, and help patrons locate the things they are looking for. I do miss Data Services a bit, but I am warming up to this zone since it's not too stressful. However, I would hope that I don't have to move around anytime soon, because it gets kind of annoying after a while with having to change apartments literally every month. I feel like with the amount of zones that I've been in while I've been here, I could do some sort of fireside after I get back. May I could even make a kids book series (similar to Curious George) about Elder Wright and His Wacky Mission. This month would be Elder Wright Becomes a Librarian! Let me know if you all have any questions! Have a great week and remember that your prays can be answered according to your faith!
Till next week,
Elder Wright
PS: Saturday will not be my usual p-day. It was just this week because of how things are in Library Services. My usual p-day will be on Tuesday, which means I'll be emailing again in 3 days. Looking forward to hear from you all then!

 And then he sent s second email too!

Hello again everybody! I recently received some questions from some of my family, so I'm going to answer them. Here we go!
Q: Where can I find the blessings of the 12 Tribes of Israel in the scriptures?
A: You can look in the first 5 books of the Old Testament, but if you want to know more about the blessings of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, the Book of Mormon does an amazing job at explaining those.

Q: What have you learned recently in your study of the 12 tribes?
A: Recently, I was thinking about Ephraim and Manasseh, and then I came to a pretty interesting realization: Since I have Native American ancestry, that means I have connections to go all the way back to the Nephites and Lamanites, which lead back to Ephraim and Manasseh. This made me realize that as their descendant, the blessing that apply to them also apply to me. I did know this before, but it was this realization that made it seem all the more real to me.

Q: What do you go over every week at district meeting?
A: We mainly go over the White Handbook and Preach my Gospel, but since I haven't really had an opportunity to have a real district meeting since I became a district leader, I don't really know what exactly I would be teaching.

Q: Do you have treats at district meeting and what do your have?
A: We don't really have treats at district meeting since we usually have district meeting right after zone on Mondays, so we usually don't have to get any treats. Maybe I could start doing that.

Q: Does each companionship have an assignment for district meeting?
A: It mainly depends on the district leader. I, however, plan on having assignments for my district.

Q: Do any of the couple missionaries attend your district meeting?
A: No, but I'm not exactly sure why. My guess is because they might have their own meetings or something like that.

Q: Are you the district leader over any of the couple missionaries?
A: Young elder district leaders don't usually have any authority over any of the senior missionaries, so no, I do not have any senior missionaries in my district.

Q: Do you know of anybody in the mission that is from another country or speaks another language?
A: I recently discovered that you must be an American citizen if you want to be a young elder on this mission. That being said, we do have some missionaries that are dual citizens with other countries. For example, the elder who trained me has dual citizenship with Canada, and an elder that I'm friends with has dual citizenship with Peru. As for senior missionaries, they can come from all over, including places like Australia, England, and Japan.

Q: Do the elders in your zone associate with the elders of the Deaf zone of Translation zone?
A: The elders in my zone don't associate with the elders in the Deaf zone, mainly because of location and the personalities of the Deaf Zone Elders. We don't have a Translation zone, but we do serve on the International floor of the FHL, so there are people there who help people who speak other languages.

Q: Have you recently had any meals provided by the Mission? What did you have? Did you like it?
A: If I were to list all the meals that were provided to me while I was here, I would be typing all day. I will say that the last one that I had was a couple of days ago when I had the district leader meeting. We had sandwiches made by the Church Office Building (COB) cafeteria, which those were pretty good.

Hopefully this answers some lingering questions you may have about my mission!

And here's another picture with Elder Wright that was posted on facebook of mission transfer day.

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