Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Week 34: Not Much Has Changed - October 2, 2018

Elder Wright didn't send any pictures this week, but he did say he's excited to watch Conference!

Hello everyone! So, as you can tell from the title, not much is different from last time I emailed. The only things that I've notice that's different is that the weather has gotten a bit cloudier, so that's interesting, I guess. I also held my first real district meeting yesterday! For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when your district (which in my mission's case, usually consists of 4-6 young elders) and you discuss the gospel and the happenings in the district. All I can say is that I need to plan these things out more. It wasn't terrible, but it was obvious that I was making it up as I went along. I think main thing that everyone is waiting for down here is Conference, which will be really cool. A lot of people say that a ton of changes are going to happen, but I haven't seen much evidence to support that. That being said, it will be a great opportunity for us to hear from a real life living prophet! Let me know what you all enjoyed the most out of it when I email next week! Have great week and conference!!
Till then,
Elder Wright

Here are some more questions that I have been asked:
Q: Do you have a new companion?
A: Yes, I do. His name is Elder Heath, and he's a nice guy. I hosted him in my apartment a couple of months ago, so we already knew each other. He mainly likes music and he plays the violin.

Q: In your new library assignment, do you interact with people very much?
A: I do, but not that option. Since I'm mainly working with the books and films, I don't really have much opportunity to talk, but if someone were to ask me a question, I probably would be able to answer them.

Q: Does filing the document and films, etc. fill up most of your time or are there periods when you wait for things?
A: There are times where we do have to wait for patrons, such as the window and doc center assignments.

Q: Do all of the elders get to say goodbye to the ones that are leaving?
A: So, this is what happens at transfer conference. We all meet in the JSMB for the conference, in which we have to wait till everyone gets there until we can start. Next, we do things like have an opening hymn and prayer, followed by the testimonies of the elders that are going home. After that, President Fenn give a small lesson and then presents the transfers. After the closing prayer, we all go down stairs where we all cheer for the elders who are going home as they go down the stairs to meet with their family. It's really cool because we all get to show support for our fellow elders!

Q: Do you have any traditions in the mission that you haven't yet told us about?
A: Not that I know of. I'll have to think about that and get back to you on it.

Q: Have you heard about the new security measures that will be implemented for General Conference?
A: Yes, I have heard about that.

Q: Whose talk do you want to hear the most at conference?
A: I haven't really thought about it. I'm mainly just looking forward to hearing from modern day prophets. So I guess you could say I'm looking forward to all of them.

Q: Will you get to hear or see all of the conference sessions?
A: Yes, I will. In fact, we will be attending the Sunday afternoon session, so that will be cool.

Hopefully this answered some more questions for all of you!

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