Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Week 36: A Year in Review - October 16, 2018

This may sound crazy, but I think you can see part of Elder Wright’s head just behind President Oakes. These are the lengths a mom will go to when her son doesn’t send pictures!

Hello everyone! So, not much has happened in the last week, other than the fact that yesterday I hit my one year mark! It's really weird to think that I have been serving for a year now, but it's also really cool. I didn't do anything special for my year mark yesterday, but that's mostly because I forgot all about it! That kind of stinks, but oh well, I'm making the best of it now!
It's been a long journey to get this far. I had to wait several months just so to be told that I wouldn't be serving a proselyting mission, which I didn't really mind because I knew it was a possibility. I then served 4 months at home on a service mission, which I really enjoyed and felt like it was a great experience that all missionaries should have at some point. I then came here in February, and it was really difficult for a while. Not going to lie, there were times that I considered giving up and going home, but I stuck it through to the end. I have had hardships, but I have also had many wonderful experiences. Made some new friends, learned about new hobbies, and gained a love of the gospel! Despite any trials, I would not trade this experience for anything else!
I hope you all have a great time hearing my adventures as I go through this mission. Also, hopefully you won't get tired of it either, since we still have a long ways to go till I finish, so be prepared to hear even more about this mission in the future. Have a great week, and remember to read your scriptures.
Till next week,
Elder Wright
PS: Shout out to former Elder Miskin, one of the elders that I served with while I was doing my service mission. He was a great guy to have around and I'm glad I was able to serve with him.

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