Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Week 37: This Is The Place Park and Other Stuff - October 23, 2018

The young Elders with President and Sister Fenn at This Is The Place State Park

(Insert witty opening statement here). I guess I could just offer the greeting that one of the other young elders here likes to use, but I literally would just be saying "I greet you". Anyway, things haven't changed much here lately. We recently got 5 new young elders, and we have two young elders going home next transfer, which is next week. This will also be taking care of the THREE trios that we have here, so that's good to hear. One thing that did happen recently, though, is that we had a service project at This is the Place Park, which is where Brigham Young said that famous phrase. We mainly helped with clearing out dried leaves and branches, but it was still pretty fun. I'm glad that we were able to help out and that we were able to have a really great dinner afterwards! We also were told some stories by President and Sister Fenn, along with President Unger, specifically stories about their ancestors and how they crossed the plains. It was really interesting and I really enjoyed it. It kind of reminded me of the Children of Israel and how they had to start a new life after leaving Egypt. I hope you all have a great week and remember to read your scriptures!
Till next week,
Elder Wright
PS: I didn't know how to naturally put this into my email, so I'll just write it here. The other day we saw a dead owl on the sidewalk. It was sad, but thankfully it got cleaned up before anything could start tearing it apart.

Elder Wright also answered some more questions for us this week

Okay, here are some more questions:
Q: What was one of your favorite talks from General Conference and why?
A: It's hard for me to pick just one, so I'll say all the ones in the Sunday Morning session, because they were all really great and really touched me.

Q: Have you been able to hear, read and study all the conference talks yet?
A: Not yet. My zone keeps me pretty busy, but I'll try to do better on that.

Q: What are our thoughts on the new schedule for church starting with this next year?
A: Don't know. I will miss the 3 hour schedule a bit, but I think this is a great idea, since it will give us more of a reason to care about how we live our lives outside of the church building.

Q: Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
A: I really like it when it's in between cold and hot, but I can handle hot way better than I can handle cold.

Q: Do you get t spend much time outside every day?
A: Not really, except for when we are going to and from zone. I don't really mind that, though.

Q: How long does it take you to get from where you live to where you serve each day?
A: About 5-10 minutes. Our apartments are just across the street from the Family History Library.

Q: Are there any senior missionaries working in your area?
A: Yes. In our mission, we always senior missionaries working along with us, and each zone's Zone Leader is a senior couple, rather than a young elder.

Q: How often dare you chosen to help senior missionaries move in?
A: Not that often. They rotate us around a bit, so I've only ever help with doing it once.

Q: Where do the senior missionaries live?
A: They live in the Garden Apartments, West Temple, and Desert Apartments.

Q: What areas have you served in?
A: Church History Special Projects, Help Services, DIP, Data Services, and now Library Services.

Q: What areas haen't you served in?
A: I don't know all of them, but we have about 18 zones on the mission, so I haven't served in about 13 of the zones here.

Q: What has been your favorite area so far?
A: Data Services, because I had a work station there and it was fun getting to hear about the cases that people got.

Q: Where else would you like to serve?
A: I have no clue. I'll serve where ever I'm told to serve.

Q: Do you have to work with material that is in a foreign language, and if so, what languages?
A: Yes, I have to re-shelve the books on the international floor, and I don't exactly know what languages they are. Mostly European ones, with a couple of Asians ones as well.
Shout out to my Dad and Sister Crawford for these awesome questions!!

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