Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Week 41: Fun Visit from the Fire Department - November 20, 2018

Hey friends and Family! Yep, it's that time of the week again, and I bet that title got your attention. Just so you know, everything is fine, nothing was harmed or anything like that, but I'll explain more later on. Okay, so first things first, today is transfers, but from what I can tell, nothing is really going to be changing for me. My companion and I didn't get moving notices, so we are probably going to be with each other in the same zone for another transfer, which is good. I'm just happy that this will be my first time that I'll be completely unaffected by what happens in transfers! 
I guess now is a good time for me to explain what happened with the fire department. Okay, so this morning I was working on my laundry, and since we have the laundry room right next to our apartment, I can just easily keep our apartment door open and still be within sight and sound. However, I didn't take into account that my companion was cooking eggs on the stove, which makes a lot of smoke. Now, if the door was closed, the fire alarm in our apartment would have just gone off, which is an easy fix since we can just open a window, turn on a fan, and so forth. However, since the door was open, that meant that it set off the fire alarm for the entire apartment building, meaning everyone had to get out while the fire department shows up just to see that we burnt some eggs. There wasn't any danger, but it did cause a bit of a nuisance for the other elders in that building. The smoke alarms here are very sensitive, so it's not like we had a pillar of smoke or something like that. All we had was the minimal amount to set off the alarm, so you could easy see everything and breath just fine. Oh well, I can laugh at it now, and I think this will be a great learning opportunity for everyone involved. I hope you all have a great week and remember to turn on your stove vent when cooking!
Till next week,
Elder Wright
PS: I still have no clue on what we are doing for Thanksgiving other than a Thanksgiving dinner at the stake center and watching a movie, so don't bother asking what we'll be doing
Elder Wright also sent this:
 Q: What does a typical Sunday look like for you?
A: I wake up at 6:30, fall asleep on the couch till about 8:30, then eat breakfast, take a shower, read the scriptures, and talk with my fellow district members in my apartment until about noon, in which we have lunch and get ready for church. We have church from 1 to 4, and then we head back to the apartment until 5:15, which is usually when we have dinner appointments. After that, we either hang out at our apartment till bed time or we go to a fireside if Pres. Fenn has one planned.

Q: Are you excited to be so close to Temple Square with all the lights for Christmas- I am assuming that you'll get to see the lights? Any other activities that you may be participating in for Christmas?
A: It will be interesting to see all the lights on Temple Square. However, I don't know of any upcoming activities that we'll be doing other than having Thanksgiving and Christmas off.

Q: Do you have a warm coat and gloves to keep you warm from the cold weather?
A: It's not my arms that get cold, it's usually my face and hands. I did get a scarf and a beanie recently, so that will definitely help. I also have a pair of gloves that I'll probably be breaking out soon.

Q: What's your favorite food to eat for Thanksgiving?
A: Turkey! I love having turkey, because after you eat a ton of it you just end up falling asleep wherever!

Hope this answers the questions that you all have been wanting answered! Shout out to Sister Crawford for these questions!

And he sent this in his email to me and I thought I would share:
1. The best part of my week was hearing how much my zone leader & the assistant zone leader appreciate me.
2. The worst part of my week was finding out that I'm not going to be a trainer this transfer.
3. The funniest thing that happened this week was the thing that happened today, which you should already know about from my mass email.
4. My most spiritual experience from this week was the talks given during the sacrament meeting at Temple View, which was the old person's place that we helped out at on Sunday.
5. I learned that if we recognize when God is testing us, we can use that as fuel to go through that test and receive the blessings that he wants to give us.
6. Pray that we can realize that being grateful isn't something we have to do one time a year and that we can be thankful all year round.

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