Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Week 39: Daylight Savings Is Still Stupid - November 6, 2018

Hello friends and family, it's me again. As you might have guessed, not much has changed between the last time I emailed and now, except for one thing: daylight savings recently happened. Yes, that stupid thing has happened again, but thankfully, this time it is the good kind, which is the one where we move the clock back so we get an extra hour of sleep. It was great having that extra hour, but that still doesn't change my opinion on how silly daylight savings is. Oh well, I only have to deal with this one more time before I go back. The only thing that I feel is even remotely noteworthy for today is that we went shopping at Sam's Club, and they have an exclusive flavor of Mountain Dew, so that's neat. I'll let you know if anything else happens in the near future. Have a great week, and remember to do some temple work if you can.
Till Then,
Elder Wright
PS: Here are some pictures of me from Halloween.

Elder Wright also sent this to our former bishop, who forwarded it to me. I loved it so much that I wanted to include it here!
Hey Brother T,
I'm really glad to hear from you! It's always nice to hear from you and I'm glad to get your emails. I'm doing pretty well here, since things aren't going crazy right now. My companion is doing really well so far. This is his third month on the mission, and Library Services is the second zone he's been in, so I'm doing my best to make things great.
Okay, so here are my answers to your questions. The best part of being a district leader is that you feel like what you do matters, so you actually feel useful when you have to do something like make decisions on what the young elders do in the zone and all that stuff. The worst part is that you have to deal with stressful situations, like counseling other district members and having to deal with any problems that happen between missionaries. I don't personally interact with the mission president that often, but we do have leadership meetings with him about once a week and a mission conference once a month, so somewhat often. The thing that I think is most important to teach to the future missionaries is the importance of daily scripture study, specifically out of the Book of Mormon, as well as the importance of the Book of Mormon. As for advice for the future missionaries, I would say to prepare mentally. It's not just about staying off your phone, video games, internet, etc., it's about keeping you mind focused on the goal of the mission, which is to bring the spirit to all. If all you talk and think about is the worldly stuff like pop culture, sports, politics, etc., then you won't survive a mission, because you have to gain a love for the gospel and a love of learning and sharing it. The mission isn't a time to continue being iffy on your religion, it's a time to be all in! I know that might be a little bit long winded, but I do think it is something that needs to be taught. I hope this helps. Have a great and enjoyable week!!
Elder Wright

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