Friday, April 6, 2018

Week 8: Wacky P-Day Schedule and Conference - April 4, 2018

When you're missionary parents and you haven't seen your son in a couple of months you do crazy things. Like watching the end of Priesthood session of General Conference super closely because you know he was there. And even taking screen shots so you can zoom in and look closer.

This is Pres. Nelson saluting the missionaries.

And waving to them

We're pretty sure he was in the upper left of the picture kind of behind the wooden wall

Maybe he's in there?

At least we got his email home. Sounds just like Nick! Practical, to the point, and exactly what he's thinking!

Okay, so I know that I said that my next P-day was going to be this Friday instead of today, but this is what happened: We found out that President Fenn was going to be doing something with us Young Elders this Friday, so we had to make some changes. So today we had half a P-day from 1 to 6 PM and on Friday we will have the other half from 6:30 AM to 12 PM. It's all weird, but what ever.  I would like to point out that I will not be emailing this Friday because I will have already done it today and I will be busy with laundry and shopping. Also, next week I will have my P-day on Friday, for real this time.
So how about that conference? Lot of interesting changes and stuff. We only got tickets for the Priesthood session, so the rest we got to watch in a theater in the JSMB. I remember the audible gasp that everyone made in the theater when they announced the Russia temple, but I was also really interested in hearing about the India temple. Being in the Priesthood session was alright, but honestly not that much different from when you watch it anywhere else besides home. It's not like you get an autographed Book of Mormon from the Prophet or get to shake hands with the General Authorities. It was a great experience over all. I would say that I probably wouldn't want to go to it outside of my time serving here because it's way to crowded and even though their were only a small amount of protesters, they would still bum me out a bit. Although, I did hear one yell "1 man for 1 wife" at me and my companion as week walked by, and after we were out of earshot, I started to chuckle because this guy seems to think that we still practice polygamy. 
I hope everyone had a great week this week and I hope you keep the messages you received from conference in your heart.
Till next week,
Elder Wright

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