Thursday, January 17, 2019

Week 49: Improvements - January 15, 2019

New Years Eve Picture
Hey there! So, as you can tell from the title, there isn't really much going on here that is different than before. We have gotten back into a routine, and I'm very happy to have that. That is probably one of the biggest improvements, because even though having time off can be fun, there is only so much free time till you start to feel like you could use some stability. The other improvement would be with me, in that I'm starting to feel like The Lord is giving me a lot more strength to overcome the challenges that I come across. That doesn't mean I'm perfect with all that I do, but even then I get right back up, repent, and keep on going. The final improve would have to be with one of the young elders in my district. I can really go too in depth about it, but what I will say is this: He has been struggling for the past few months while being here, but now thing are going really well for him and he's starting to actually try at being obedient to the mission rules! In all, things are looking well, and I hope they continue to do so. Let me know how The Lord has been improving your life lately! Have a great week!
Till then,
Elder Wright
A couple of other things he told Mom and Dad:
"As for, it's a great thing to use, but good luck if you ever have to call them, because their support staff for calls are TERRIBLE. That's why any elder who has been in Data Services will shake their fist and yell, "ANCESTRY!" as they pass by the Ancestry building on the way to Smiths."

"One thing that has happened over the last week was that I found TONS of books that needed to be sent in for repairs. So many, in fact, that they said not to turn in any more books for repairs till next month! I know that will be a lot of work, but I'm still proud of myself for that."

Elder Jensen

Elder Luckau

"The picture of the Risk board is when I beat everyone in my apartment at Risk, however we later realized that it  was not actually possible for me to do what I did to win"

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