I love this screenshot I took while we were visiting today. Not only does it show how Elder Wright has grown up, it shows how happy we are to be visiting with each other.

Hey everyone! Okay, so it has been somewhat of an interesting week, but that's mostly because of the illness that's been going around. Nothing too crazy, just a cold, but it has made things different for the last week. It all started on Thursday when I had a slight problem with swallowing, but that really didn't become a problem till the next day when it became painful to swallow and I became all congested. I saw the nurses and they told me that I should stay home till I got better and to not spread it around. Well, I did well on the first part, but the "not spreading it around" part failed because both my companion and another elder in the district caught what I had. There have been many exchanges of companionships over the last couple days because of this, so it has made things quite exciting. I'm currently doing well, only with a slight stuffy nose, my companion is doing well despite the lack of sleep, and Elder Spears (the other elder in my district who caught it) is almost fully recovered. It's events like these that really build your faith because even after you receive all the medicine and rest that you need, you still need to have the faith that you will be healed. I hope you all have a wonderful week and that you too can have some faith building experiences some time (but hopefully not cruddy ones like illness).
Till Then,
Elder Wright