Our former bishop (Mike Tomlinson was our bishop when Elder Wright started his mission) and his family bumped into Elder Wright at the Discovery Center in the Family History Library. We were so excited that they texted us pictures!

Hey friends and families! Not much has really happened since that last time I emailed (I've forgotten the amount of times that I've said that). If there is one thing that I would like to talk about, it would be that on Saturday, I was able to help Santa Claus! Okay, okay, it wasn't really Santa, but the guy was old, had a long white beard, slightly heavy set, and was wearing read. He even gave me a candy cane afterwards! Anyways, I helped him and his wife print out a fan chart, which is something that we do in Discovery, and after that they left. Other than that, things have been the same here. I'm still in the same district, the same zone, and with the same companion. We will have most of the 4th of July off, so shenanigans will probably ensue, but you'll probably have to hear about that next week. Anyways, have a great week and remember to read your scriptures so that you can receive blessings.
Till Then,
Elder Wright
Pictures with Bishop Tomlinson and Elder Fillmore
Carrie Tomlinson said, "Mike says he's never heard him talk so much in his life! He was so bubbly and energetic."
And Mike texted, "He looks so good! And so confident! What a great experience! He looks so happy! He was so excited to talk about his experience! So cool! My heart is so full! You should be very proud! He has changed for the better! The shock on his face was incredible!"
We also got this text from some random strangers from Chandler who were visiting the Discovery Center. It's a good week!