I downloaded this pic from the internet, but it must be similar to what Elder Wright saw

Hello! Okay, there actually is a lot to tell you all about, so I'll get right into it. On Sunday was the Super Wolf Blood Moon (I didn't make that title up), so we actually got permission to stay up till midnight to watch the moon slowly get eaten and turn red! I would have sent pictures of it, but I haven't received any yet and the moon got pretty dark when it turned red, so you would hardly see it anyway. The next day was MLK day, but unlike most of the mission, I had to work that day because the FHL (Family History Library) was open! Even then, I didn't really work, I just "worked". By that, I mean I showed up and did nothing, but oh well, the CHL (Church History Library) people will be covering the FHL on President's day, so that will be good. Speaking of presidents, President Fenn recently announced that he has been invited by the first presidency to extend his mission here for another year, which he accepted graciously! I'm so happy that I'm going to have President Fenn for my mission president the entire time I'm here! Also, the night he told us this (which was last night) we watched The Prince of Egypt. It had some wonky moments with it's pacing and animation, but I feel like it gives it a bit of charm. It's music, however, is the thing that made the movie. In all, I loved it. Now, as for recent event, when a couple of elder, my companion, and I went shopping today, we got in a small fender-bender, but everyone is fine. The worse piece of damage was that the front bumper of our car came off. Other than that, nothing big happened. Even the driver of the car we bumped knew that it wasn't our fault, but rather it was the fault of the driver of the car that waved us through. So yeah, that was an interesting experience. Hopefully you all are having an amazing time. Have a great week!!
Till then,
Elder Wright
Some other things Elder Wright sent to his dad and me:
They (books at the Family History Library that need repair) are sent to the Collections Room on the 3rd floor to be repaired by one of the employees. The books range in all kinds of subjects, they all have to do with genealogy. They range from things like census records to deed records to military records to marriage records, etc. The spine is the main part that needs to be repaired, since a lot of the books were not originally books, but rather magazines, papers, pamphlets, records, and other things like that had been bound together to make it easier to store. The metal clip that holds the stuff together is glued to the cover, and over time that glue starts to not work anymore, thus causing the actual contents to not be connected to the cover. Most of them are the size of average books, although we do have Large Q books that have to be stored on their own shelf because they are very big.
The SLC temple is still closed, but it will be open on the 29th. I don't think they've started the actual renovations. They probably just have it closed to clean i up after the big rush of people who came for the holidays. They haven't made any changes to the temple grounds yet except for the removal of the Christmas decorations.
Elder Wright answered his dad's question, "This week we studied Luke 2 and Matthew 2 during family home evening. Is this also what you studied?"
That is indeed what we studied, although we studied that in our Sunday School class. Back at the apartments we just had a spiritual discussion which was pretty neat!
I have seen the snow up in the mountains, as well as right where I'm at. In fact, I spent a lot of time around it on Sunday because I got to go with some other elders to City Creek Valley to watch the Super Wolf Blood Moon.
I don't drive here because I don't want to have to deal with Utah drivers, city traffic, weather, etc.
He said the funniest part of his week was "watching Elders B and D dealing with the bumper that broke off the car we were driving for shopping.
He said the most spiritual part of his week was "discussion the gospel with my district members on Sunday"
And this week he learned "that when you don't know what else to do with someone who doesn't want your help, you just need to be a great example."
He and I discussed the Old Testament a little bit. He said, "There is gospel truth in the Old Testament, but it's like panning for gold: you have to sort through a ton of stuff to find it. The Book of Mormon, on the other hand, is like a gold brick."
And that's it for this week. Thank you if you read this far! And thanks for all of your love, prayers and support!